Magnetism and exchange in the layered antiferromagnet NiPS3NiPS_3


The anisotropic susceptibility of the layered antifemomagnet NiPS3(TN=155K)NiPS_3(T_N = 155 K) has been measured between 45 K and 650 K. The system may be described by the effective spin Hamiltonian H=DSiz2βˆ’βˆ‘ijJijSi.SjH = DS^2_{iz}-\sum_{ij} J_{ij}S_i . S_j, with the quadratic single-ion anisotropy terms introducing anisotropy in an otherwise isotropic situation. The exchange I and single-ion anisotropy parameter D were determined from an analysis of the anistropic susceptibility data for two different models: (i) the Oguchi model, in which a pair of spins chosen at random is treated exactly while its interactions with the rest of the crystal are approximated by a mean field and (ii) the correlated effective field (CEF) approximation developed by Lines, which reduces the many-body problem to a single-particle, non-interacting ensemble form, by the introduction of static temperature-dependent correlation parameter, which are evduated by forcing consistency with the fluctuation-dissipation theorem. It is found that the CEF approximation is superior to the Ognchi model in describing the susceptibility of NIPS3NIPS_3. The exchange and crystal field parameters for the CEF approximation are J / k = -58.0 K; D / k = 16.1 K; g_l_l = 2.05 and gβŠ₯=2.13g_\perp =2.13

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