
Studi Uang Kepeng Sebagai Produk Seni Kerajinan Dan Hubungannya Dengan Konsep Ajeg Bali Di Bali


Abstrak: SUMMARY This research use approach rasional-empiris (inductive qualitative), started with problematik researcher. Problems researcher is information about money of kepeng scientifically not yet to society as object of upakara, product development and also related to concept ajeg Bali. Technique data collecting done by observation, interview, and photograph. As according to specified variable. the source of its data is money of kepeng weared product, artistic crafting product using money materials of kepeng, craftman making artistic product crafting, culture figure, religion figure and academician figure. Intake of data done by technique of sampel especially made crafting product of money materials of kepeng. Because a lot crafmans of kepeng money as focused in 3 region that is Sub ¬Province of Gianyar, Klungkung and Town of Denpasar. made Type Product much the same to so approach of sampel. Money of Kepeng as crafting product in Bali in this time (2007) can be grouped in 3 type that is idol type, tamiang/lamak, and functioning objects. Idol type like rambut sedana idol, dewa-dewi idol, saraswati idol, elephant idol, legong ido, Kresna idol and others. Money of Kepeng as tamiang, its form can be seen like domed tamiang, square, salang, capah, ceniga, and others. Money of kepeng as functioning objects wear can be seen like bokor, place of daksina, ornament place, pabuan, and others. Functioning objects wear the least compared to other form. All made object type money of kepeng this in the beginihg only made for Hindu -ritual in Bali. Because its unique and beautiful, hence enthused by tourist. Craftmans make this objects to fulfill request of tourist. Printing money of kepeng in Bali done by UD. Kamasan in Sub-Province of Klungkung printing money of kepeng write down Bali letter and UD. Mulya Mengwi in Sub-Province of Badung printing money of kepeng write down Chinese letter. Printing money of kepeng as effort to fulfill Bali society from rare of kepeng money. Related printing money of kepeng with Bali ajeg, do not clearly by guest speaker, but from its opinion we have indication that effort printing money of kepeng mentioned as effort preserve usage money of kepeng in cultured life and believe Hindu in Bali. If careful preserve in this case meaning look after of Bali culture by usage money of kepeng in cultured life and believe in Bali. Because a lot worry if printing money of kepeng do not he done the rare of money of kepeng still going on and in a moment will vanish s;owly. According to them the effort printing money of kepeng this make proper to be supported for the minimum usage money of kepeng artless by society with materials no content of Panca Datu. if this matter be done continuously will slowly degrade money meaning and values of kepeng in upakara yadnya in Bali. In turn will have an effect on to keajegan of Bali in general

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