


Affandi is Indonesia’s most outstanding painter. An exprecionist master, his work have puIndonesia on the map of international art. He embodies throught his work the successful aculturationbetween Indonesian and western artistic inputs. His painting give Indonesian artistic tradition, whichpervade all his life and works, a totally new expressive language. When faced with hardship, that oyouth in a county under the yoke of the colonizer, his answer has always been to work and work moreHe thus became an artist addicted to his art. The subject of this writing is to study Affandi’s peculliaapproach toward the problems of form, function and meaning-by form is meant the visual aspect of hiwork; by function their use and utility; and by meaning their content. With regard to the theoriticaframework a combination of art theory, aesthetic, cultural theory, theory of symbols and functionalismis called upon when relevant. The study is qualitative and it is therefore supported by research on theartist’s background, working techniques and processes as well as by research on his work proper. Anevaluation of his influence is also presented

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