Miekk-oja, Anneli. People with intellectual disability at work: Awareness training for potential employers. Helsinki, Fall 2017. 29 pages plus appendix. Language: English. Diaconia University of Applied Sciences, Degree Programme in Social Services, focus in Community Development. Degree: Bachelor of Social Services.
This development oriented product-based thesis produces photos and written material for Finnish Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (Kehitysvammaliitto) Palkkaa Mut-project’s social media campaign for the spring 2018. Qualitative methods are used in the form or participative methods, as the material is created through one group interview including a photo-shoot.
The material includes five photos of an employee with an intellectual disability and an employer. Short stories were written from the interviews to enhance the information of the photos. This thesis aims to create material that will be used in awareness training by Finnish Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities for potential employers to employee people who have an intellectual disability.
The report outlines the process of this thesis. It also includes information about the developmental needs of the employment of workers with an intellectual disability and a short theoretical background about working life, intellectual disability and relevant regulations and laws