In past millennia religious traditions suggested a kind of
wisdom from which science divorced since its beginning,
belief being then considered as a backwards attitude with
respect to the triumphant scientific reason. Apparently, no
sacred text suggested an adequate analysis on both the
admirable intellectual construction built by scientific reason
and modern way of life, essentially advantaging progress
with respect to all traditions.
Since one century a new attitude on scientific knowledge
was proposed by a particular renewal of religious belief,
the non-violent philosophy of life suggested by Tolstoy
(Tolstoy 1880), Gandhi (Gandhi 1908) and Lanza del
Vasto (Lanza del Vasto 1959). All they criticized Western
science inasmuch as it is severed from both ethics and
common life of mankind. The criticism was qualified by
Lanza del Vasto (= LdV, 1901-1981, graduated in Philosophy
at Pisa University in 1928) through an analysis of two
Christian texts, i.e. Genesis 3 and Apocalypse 13, in the
same years Catholic Council Vatican 2 instead accepted
modern science as an ineluctable modernity (incarnationist
thesis vs. apocalyptic thesis)