Sulphate [>ota.Uilllll is one (~f the important chemistry compoundfor industrial at our country, usually forfertilizer
indllsoy. Therefore, necessary done sulphate potassium maker watcl!fulnessfrom variolls ingredient that contain
sulphate potassium compound. Among others with extract banana stem ash. Watchfidness methodology that is with
mix banana stem ash with aql/adest (20 gram ash/J water litre) in temperature JO(f'c during 30 minutes and
stirring rotation 300 '17m. Ash extract that got reaction with sulphuric acidfollnd ~f liquid waste bleaching earth.
Rleaching earth with certain rate of flow (5, 10,15,20) ml/second is putted into. After achieved steady conditr.'n,
process is continlled lip to 15 minlltes. Result is analyzed to determine sulphate potassium conversion, Based 011
watchfulness result that done, best condition is got in temperature 600c with speed emits bleaching earth 10
mllsecond, produce sulphate potassium degree as big as 20J84 mgllitres and conversion that got as big as