Consideration and Suggestion to Ways to Develope Efficient Agricul ture in Arid Hilly Area of South Ningxia


In the middle ages of 1970’s ,Northwestern institute of soil and water conservation carried out scientific inves-tigation and started long term field experiement and demonstration in arid hilly area of the south Ningxia under thesupport of Chinese goverment. Based on deep and systematic studies, from the policy of production construction topractical technology of efficient agriculture , followsnig comprehensive development strategies and technologicalmeasures have been proposed:″planting grass and shrub at ...70年代中期,我所受中央领导同志指示,在宁夏南部山区开展科学考察,并开始了长期定位试验研究和示范。从生产建设方针到实用高效农业技术,进行了深入系统的研究,先后提出了“草灌先行”、“出路在肥”、“优化结构”、“旱作增产体系”、“节水型早实丰产果园建设技术”等一批具有全局性的发展战略和技术措施。在此基础上,对本区发展高效农业的途径和基本战略进行了研究探索,认为“三缺”(缺水、缺科技、缺物质投入)是三大障碍因素,其中又以缺乏科技人才与资金是主要限制因子。因而采取“把握全局、统筹兼顾、重点突破、梯级推进”的发展战略,大力推广行之有效的实用高效增产技术,着力发展支柱产业,培育市场经济,对经济的快速发展和奔小康具有重要意义

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