
Finite amplitude electroconvection induced by strong unipolar injection between two coaxial cylinders


We perform a theoretical and numerical study of the Coulomb-driven electroconvection flow of a dielectric liquid between two coaxial cylinders. The specific case where the inner to outer diameter ratio is 0.5 is analyzed. A strong unipolar injection of ions either from the inner or outer cylinder is considered to introduce free charger carriers into the system. A finite volume method is used to solve all governing equations including Navier-Stokes equations and a simplified set of Maxwell’s equations. The flow is characterized by a subcritical bifurcation in the finite amplitude regime. A linear stability criterion and a nonlinear one that correspond to the onset and stop of the flow motion, respectively, are linked with a hysteresis loop. In addition, we also explore the behavior of the system for higher values of the stability parameter. For inner injection, we observe a transition between the patterns made of 7 and 8 pairs of cells, before an oscillatory regime is attained. Such a transition leads to a second finite amplitude stability criterion. A simple modal analysis reveals that the competition of different modes is at the origin of this behavior. The charge density as well as velocity field distributions are provided to help understanding the bifurcation behavior.Ministerio de ciencia y tecnología FIS2011-25161Junta de Andalucía P10-FQM-5735Junta de Andalucía P09-FQM-458

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