
Analysis of quantification methods used for cell viability, cell morphology, and synaptic formation in modeling HIV associated dementia in primary neuronal cultures.


Change is inevitable, changes in neuronal function occur in physiologic and pathologic processes. The ability to reliably analyze and quantify those changes in neuronal morphology and function has been an important part of technical developments in Neuroscience. A key innovation in the Neuroscience was the development of primary neuronal cultures. Primary neuronal cultures allow neurons to be dissociated and studied as individual components. The study of specific pathologic processes associated with neurodegeneration have benefited greatly from the development and characterization of dissociated primary neuronal cultures. Human Immunodeficiency Virus can lead to a neurodegenerative process. Establishing a consistent model for studying the effects of HIV infection in the brain has provided a unique challenge. The use of analysis of quantification of neuronal changes in dissociated primary neurons modeling HIV dementia has proven useful. As the study of this disorder continues the characterization of the model system will become increasing important. This review will focus on analysis of specific techniques used to quantify specific changes in neurons in this model system. As this field moves forward it will be important to specifically focus on techniques involved in cell viability, morphologic changes, and synaptic formatio

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