
Influence of Motivation on Wayfinding


This research explores the role of affect in the domain of human wayfinding by asking if increased motivation will alter the performance across various routes of increasing complexity. Participants were asked to perform certain navigation tasks within an indoor Virtual Reality (VR) environment under either motivated and not-motivated instructions. After being taught to navigate along simple and complex routes, participants were tested on both the previously learned routes and new routes that could be implicitly derived from the prior spatial knowledge. Finally, participants were tested on their ability to follow schematized instructions to explore familiar and unfamiliar areas in the VR environment. Performance of the various spatial tasks across the motivated and control groups indicated that motivation improved performance in all but the most complex conditions. Results of the empirical study were used to create a theoretical model that accounts for the influence of affect on the access of route knowledge. Results of the research suggest the importance of including past knowledge and affect of the traveler as components of future wayfinding systems

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