
Pembentukan Karakter Anak Bangsa Melalui Pembelajaran Bhasa dan Sastra Indonesia


ABSiTRAGI: Learning lndonesian language and literature can hetp students' language skills' increase cultural knowledge, develop a sense of creativity, and support creating character, whichissharpeningsensitivitytothevalues oflivinginsocietyandtraininreadinesstofacevarietyofproblemsinreallife.LearningIndonesianlanguageandliteratureisveryimportantindevelopmentprocessbecauseitwillencourareadinesstoface variety of problems in real life. Learning Indonesian language and literature is very important in developmentprocess because itwillencourae peopleto be critical. Meaningstated in literary works can lead tothe empowermentthat make people notonly become assertive butalso be able to face future challenges. Hence, learning lndonesian language and literature can come into being lndonesian students' character that is strong creative, critical, intelligent, good in moral, and polite in language use. Relatingto students asfuture intellectual, leaders, officials who have good moral, they are expected to be able to use lndonesian language properly and correctly. KeyrrOrdS: bu ilding character, I ndonesian language and I iterature learnin

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