
Copyright Back on Congressional Agenda


When the 110th Congress began in January there seemed to be little interest in copyright legislation. The newly elected Democratic majority was focused on reviewing Bush Administration policies on terrorism and privacy. There was continuing interest in patent reform, but a flurry of copyright bills that had been proposed at the end of the 109th Congress-including orphan works proposals, digital fair use reform, and copyright modernization–failed to emerge in 2007. A couple of proposals were offered to harmonize copyright licensing and to clarify the DMCA’s fair use provisions, but there was no “buzz” about copyright. Until recently, that is. Quietly, in November, then with a bit of a bigger splash in December, bills providing for enhanced copyright enforcement provisions were introduced in the Senate and House respectively. Neither bill deals with digital fair use or orphan works, but hearings on the House bill raised the glimmer of broader copyright reform being in Congress’s future

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