
Right trisegmentectomy for hepatic neoplasms


Thirty patients had right trisegmentectomy for 19 primary hepatic malignant tumors, 7 localized liver metastases and four benign lesions. A technical refinement that aided resection of bulky posterior and superior tumors was intrahepatic identification and control of the right hepatic vein. The operative mortality was 3.3%. Late hepatic insufficiency was not observed. More than one-half of the patients operated upon a year or more ago for primary hepatic malignant growths had a tumor-free state at the 12 month follow-up period. Beyond this time, there was only one recurrence. The results in children were twice as good as in adults. The results in treating localized liver metastases from distant primary sites were inferior to those in treating primary hepatic tumors. A hypothetical case was made for combining hepatic resection with adjuvant chemotherapy, even though our experience could not be construed as direct support for this practice

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