
Temporal Stream Algebra


Data stream management systems (DSMS) so far focus on event queries and hardly consider combined queries to both data from event streams and from a database. However, applications like emergency management require combined data stream and database queries. Further requirements are the simultaneous use of multiple timestamps after different time lines and semantics, expressive temporal relations between multiple time-stamps and exible negation, grouping and aggregation which can be controlled, i. e. started and stopped, by events and are not limited to fixed-size time windows. Current DSMS hardly address these requirements. This article proposes Temporal Stream Algebra (TSA) so as to meet the afore mentioned requirements. Temporal streams are a common abstraction of data streams and data- base relations; the operators of TSA are generalizations of the usual operators of Relational Algebra. A in-depth 'analysis of temporal relations guarantees that valid TSA expressions are non-blocking, i. e. can be evaluated incrementally. In this respect TSA differs significantly from previous algebraic approaches which use specialized operators to prevent blocking expressions on a "syntactical" level

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