
When Hopf Algebras are Frobenius Algebras


AbstractR. Larson and M. Sweedler recently proved that for free finitely generated Hopf algebras H over a principal ideal domain R the following are equivalent: (a) H has an antipode and (b) H has a nonsingular left integral. In this paper I give a generalization of this result which needs only a minor restriction, which, for example, always holds if pic(R) = 0 for the base ring R. A finitely generated projective Hopf algebra H over R has an antipode if and only if H is a Frobenius algebra with a Frobenius homomorphism ψ such that Σ h(1) ψ(h(2)) = ψ(h) · 1 for all h ϵ H. We also show that the antipode is bijective and that the ideal of left integrals is a free rank 1, R-direct summand of H

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