
The effect of fluorine on viscosities in the system Na2O-Al2O3-SiO2: implications for phonolites, trachytes and rhyolites


The effect of fluorine on melt viscosities of five compositions in the system Na2O-Al2O3- SiO2h as been investigateda t one atmospherea nd 1000-1600'Cb y concentric-cylinder viscometry. The compositions chosen were albite, jadeite and nepheline on the join NaAlOlSiO2 and two others of the join at 75 mole percent SiO2, one peralkaline and one peraluminous. All melt viscosities were independent of shear rate over two orders of magnitude, indicating Newtonian behavior. All viscosity-temperature relationships were Arrhenian within error. Fluorine reduces the viscosities and activation energies of all melts investigated. The viscosity-reducing power of fluorine increases with the SiO2 content of melts on the join NaAlO2-SiO2 and is a maximum at Na/Al (molar) = I for melts containing 75 mole percent SiO2. Fluorine and water have similar effects on aluminosilicate melt viscosities, probably due to depolymerization of these melts by replacement of Si-O-(Si, Al) bridges with Si-OH and Si-F bonds, respectively. Evidence from slag systems shows that fluorine also reduces the viscosity of depolymerized silicate melts. The viscous flow of phonolites, trachytes and rhyolites will be strongly afected by fluorine. It appears that fluorine contents of igneous rocks may be combined with water in calculation schemes for determining the viscosity of natural melts

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