Validity and reliability of the safety climate measurement in Malaysia


Organizations started giving attention to organizational and management impact on safety performance particularly the function of safety climate.Inconsistency concerning the appropriate elements that should be in safety climate scale has called for an assessment of the safety climate construct.The purpose of this study was to develop a measure of attitudes and perceptions of safety that are related to safety climate in the workplace.The Safety Climate Assessment Scale(SCAS) was administered to 372 employees ranging from physician to support staff.Analysis of data was done using statistical analysis from the SPSS version twelve. Safety experts reviewed the content validity of the safety climate measurement. Construct validity was analyzed by the exploratory factor analysis, and concurrent validity was examined by correlations.Cronbach’s alpha was used to measure internal consistency reliability.The results revealed acceptable internal consistency reliability, content validity, construct validity and concurrent validity for the SCAS. The SCAS scores had acceptable overall internal consistency reliability (r = .950). The correlation analysis indicated that scores on the 10 dimension scales of safety climate were moderately dependable

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