Pelancongan Langkawi 1987-2010: Pencapaian dan cabaran masa depan


In the early time, Langkawi was an isolated island where it was inhabited by majority of Malay. Their main economic activities lingered around traditional agriculture (paddy and rubber planting) and inshore fishery sector. Associated with Langkawi, it cannot be separated from the curse of Mahsuri, in which the maiden herself condemned Langkawi will not be forever in prosper state for her 7 generation. However, in 1987, Langkawi has been given full attention by the government and then received status of duty free zone, in order to develop Langkawi to become world attraction.In relation of that, fast growth tourism sector of Langkawi is due to the friendly government policy which encourage investor to put capital, good quality infrastructure while it richness in natural resources and potential local culture also contribute to wealth and prosperity of tourism sector.As a result that can be seen ?om applied government's policy to the development of Langkawi, there was an increase in number of tourist arrival to Langkawi from 310,004people in 1987 to 2,376,736people in 2009. Obviously, earlier result shows that in the beginning, tourists tend to visit Kuah town and several legendary locations such Beras Terbakar, Padang Mat Sirat, Pasir Hitam Beach, Perigi Tujuh,Dayang Bunting Island, and Mahsuri Tomb in Ulu Melaka. Besides, Chenang and Tengah beach which have been introduced as new beach tourism destination received a large number of tourists especially on weekend and school break. Accommodation and service sector constantly receive additional injection due to the incoming pool of investor who then places their capital in tourism development of Langkawi.Moreover aggressive promotion by government, and as venue to hold several hallmark exhibitions and sporting events such LIM (Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace Exhibition), The Royal Langkawi International Regatta, The Ironman Langkawi International Triathlon, and Le Tour de Langkawi, boost its image as well known world tourism destination in par with Phuket (Thailand) and Bali (Indonesia).As an attractive effort, Langkawi has been accorded as Geopark by UNESCO in 2007 because it possesses variety of outstanding geological rock formations which can be located at 'The Machincang Cambrian Geoforest Park', 'Kilim Karst Geoforest Park' and 'Dayang Bunting Geoforest Park'.Therefore, this paperwork intent to discuss several matters of the tourism achievement in Langkawi comprises of its development background, policy and programme that has been posed by the government in tourism sector, tourist characteristics, tourist activities, current land use and tourism evolution. Additionally, to observe certain issue and prospect of the tourism future in context of South East Asia's region, a slight comparison effort between Phuket and Bali is made, in order to see the strength and weakness that appear in these three island attractions wiihin the tourism scope

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