
Superhalogen and Superacid


A superhalogen F@C20(CN)20\rm{F@C_{20}(CN)_{20}} and a corresponding Br{\o}nsted superacid were designed and investigated on DFT and DLPNO-CCSD(T) levels of theory. Calculated compounds have outstanding electron affinity and deprotonation energy, respectively. We consider superacid H[F@C20(CN)20]\rm{H[F@C_{20}(CN)_{20}]} to be able to protonate molecular nitrogen. The stability of these structures is discussed, while some of the previous predictions concerning Br{\o}nsted superacids of record strength are doubted.Comment: 11 pages (main paper), 32 pages (supporting information), 10 figures, 10 tables, 62 reference

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