
People accessibility to public services by public transport in Trebnje community. Size and equipment:66 p., 23 cha., 3 tab., 36 fig.


This diploma represents problems, analyses and findings in the area of public accessibility by the public transportation means to the service activities at local level in Trebnje community. We did three different analyses. The first analysis was done for the time of working days, the second was carried out for the time of school lessons and the third was a combination of the first and the second. With the help of GIS environment program the thesis consists of daily bus frequencies through individual bus stops in the community, population density in the area of bus stops and accumulation flows of the majority of potential passengers on the way to the centre of the community. In detail we presented network analyses of service regions in the road network. We also presented the results of an anonymous survey about the accessibility of people to the supply activities with the means of public transportation and the usage of Internet. We came to the conclusion that there are not enough daily lines to the centre of the community and that lines are not properly distributed. Due to the mentioned facts, only 11% of all users use the public transportation means every day. Because of faster and improved Internet connections the usage of Internet has increased. Besides that, two thirds of the interviewed people regularly use the Internet to access public services

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