
Responsible management education for 21st century leadership


This paper discusses possible approaches for business schools regarding how to educate students to be future generators of sustainable value for business and society at large and to work for an inclusive and sustainable global economy. On the basis of the recently published Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) as well as contemporary learning theories, the paper provides concrete recommendations about how to foster students' development towards becoming long-term thinking, responsible business leaders. The paper argues that student learning needs to occur within powerful learning environments to provide active, problem-based and self-directed acquisition of knowledge, skills and attitudes. Two approaches to create best-practice learning environments are real-life case studies and real-life student projects which both lead to strong buy-in from students, faculty and company partners. Both approaches are exemplified with the International Management bachelor's degree program at Zurich University of Applied Sciences in Switzerland. As a result, responsible management education fosters students' knowledge, skills and attitudes towards responsible business leadership to shape the future direction of the 21st century

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