Alteration of Gene Expression
Associated with Oxidative Stress Signaling Pathways
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(HBQs) are emerging disinfection byproducts (DBPs)
that effectively induce reactive oxygen species and oxidative damage
in vitro. However, the impacts of HBQs on oxidative-stress-related
gene expression have not been investigated. In this study, we examined
alterations in the expression of 44 genes related to oxidative-stress-induced
signaling pathways in human uroepithelial cells (SV-HUC-1) upon exposure
to six HBQs. The results show the structure-dependent effects of HBQs
on the studied gene expression. After 2 h of exposure, the expression
levels of 9 to 28 genes were altered, while after 8 h of exposure,
the expression levels of 29 to 31 genes were altered. Four genes (<i>HMOX1</i>, <i>NQO1</i>, <i>PTGS2</i>, and <i>TXNRD1</i>) were significantly upregulated by all six HBQs at
both exposure time points. Ingenuity pathway analysis revealed that
the Nrf2 pathway was significantly responsive to HBQ exposure. Other
canonical pathways responsive to HBQ exposure included GSH redox reductions,
superoxide radical degradation, and xenobiotic metabolism signaling.
This study has demonstrated that HBQs significantly alter the gene
expression of oxidative-stress-related signaling pathways and contributes
to the understanding of HBQ-DBP-associated toxicity