Zagrożenia wywiadowcze dla Unii Europejskiej i Sojuszu Północnoatlantyckiego.


In the article the author gives some arguments that the source of the biggest intelligence threat to the European Union and NATO, especially for Poland, is the special service of the Russian Federation. These services hold the agent activities in the area of Poland, which are focused on recognizing of the Polish Army, its modernization and adjustment to the NATO‘s standards. In this situation the best access to the essential information can be delivered by the agency in the arm environment or in its surroundings. The special interest can be focuses on the economic subjects busing with special trade because of their economical and defensive nature. Surely there are issues connected with plans of the elements of the rocket defence sitting in Poland, which are very interesting for Russian secret services. Therefore some agents can be located among the stuff inspecting the building site and the function of this system

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