Additional file 10: of Signatures of host specialization and a recent transposable element burst in the dynamic one-speed genome of the fungal barley powdery mildew pathogen
Figure S9. CNV of widely conserved genes between B. graminis formae speciales. Heatmap illustrating the copy number of genes with putatively widely conserved functions. Using the same pipeline as for the generation of Fig. 3a, all 34 genes with a PFAM annotation including the terms “tubulin” (highlighted in red) or “actin” (highlighted in green) and 49 genes coding for non-SP genes with conserved domains were used as a control dataset to estimate the error rate of the CNV calling pipeline. The heatmap depicts the color-coded copy number of these genes per individual genome of various B. graminis formae speciales (avenae, dactylis, dicocci, hordei, lolii, poae, secalis, triticale and tritici), each represented by one or more isolates as indicated on the right. The dendrogram on the left is based on the hierarchical clustering (Euclidean method) of the CNV values for every dataset. (PDF 466 kb