PD-GWAS gene prioritization. Significant SNPs from PD-GWAS and the number of ORFs in LD (from r2 > 0.5 to r2 > 0.8) are shown. Part A contains significant SNPs as per joint analysis, part B contains significant SNPs as per discovery phase. The candidate genes based on proximity are summarized as suggested in the original GWAS. Newly proposed candidate genes within each are identified on the basis of our analysis of the functionally relevant proteins in the PPI network. Genes previously selected by proximity and now also confirmed by functional analysis of the PD-network are in bold font. The top pie chart represents the distribution of proteins across the different relevant processes. In the final column the cell type with major expression (> 5% of average expression) is reported as calculated from the dataset generated by Zhang et al. [13] (A = mature astrocytes, N = neurons, M = microglia, O = oligodendrocytes and, E = endothelial cells). The bottom pie chart represents the distribution of proteins based on cell type expression in human temporal lobe cortex. (JPG 349 kb