Additional file 1: of Simultaneous blockade of IL-6 and CCL5 signaling for synergistic inhibition of triple-negative breast cancer growth and metastasis


Figure S1. Cellular viability assays of co-cultured SUM149 (A) and SUM159 (B) cells on the bottom chambers with LECs on the top chamber in treatment with various concentration of maraviroc and d tocilizumab (transwell plates). The cellular viability was measured for 72 h by MTT assay (*P < 0.001, n = 3). C Crystal violet staining assay was performed in treatment with maraviroc (2 uM), tocilizumab (200 μg/ml), and the combination of maraviroc and tocilizumab. Figure S2. Migration assay of SUM149 (A) and SUM159 (B) cells (top chamber) in CM (bottom chamber) from LECs co-cultured with two TNBC cells with treatment with maraviroc, tocilizumab, and the combination of both. The migrated cells were counted for 24 h by the crystal violet staining. The representative migration is shown. (**P < 0.001, n = 3). C Migration assay of TNBC cells in CM from LECs co-cultured with TNBC cells with tocilizumab pre-treatment. The cells were pre-labeled with Cell Tracker Green and the migration was measured using the Oris cell migration kit. ELISA of human CCL5 (Quantikine ELISA, R&D System) in the CM of LECs co-cultured with SUM149 (D) and SUM159 (E) cells pre-treated tocilizumab (*P < 0.001, n = 3). (PDF 271 kb

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