Distribution specificities of long-period comets' perihelia. Hypothesis of the large planetary body on the periphery of the Solar System


The present paper reviews selected aspects of the Guliyev's hypothesis about the massive celestial body at a distance of 250-400 AU from the Sun as well as the factor of comets transfer. It is shown, that the conjecture of the point around which cometary perihelia might be concentrated, is not consistent. On the issue of perihelia distribution, priority should be given to the assumption that there is a plane or planes around which the concentration takes place. A total of 24 comet groups were investigated. In almost all cases there are detected two types of planes or zones: the first one is very close to the ecliptic, another one is about perpendicular to it and has the parameters: ip = 86{\deg}, {\Omega}p = 271.7{\deg}. The existence of the first area appears to be related to the influence of giant planets. The Guliyev's hypothesis says that there is a massive perturber in the second zone, at a distance of 250-400 AU. It shows that number of aphelia and distant nodes of cometary orbits in this interval significantly exceeds the expected background. Analysis of the angular parameters of the comets, calculated relative to the second plane (reference point is the ascending node of a large circle) displays clear patterns: shortage of comets near i' = 180{\deg}, excess of them near B'= 0{\deg} (ecliptic latitude of perihelion) and shortage near B'=-90{\deg}. The analysis also shows irregularity of distant nodes, overpopulation of perihelion longitudes in the range 350{\deg}-20{\deg}. Plotted distributions of aphelia N(Q) and distant cometary nodes clearly indicate a perturbation of the natural course near 300 AU. On the basis of collected cometary data, we have estimated orbital elements of the hypothetical planetary body: a = 337 AU; e = 0.14; {\omega} = 57{\deg}; {\Omega} = 272.7{\deg}; i = 86{\deg}

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