
Sosialisasi Program Kampung Keluarga Berencana (kampung kb) Di Kelurahan Pucang Sawit


The formation of Kampung Keluarga Berencana or Family Planning Village (Kampung KB) is a manifestation of a new innovation initiated by the National Population and Family Planning Agency. Innovation in the form of Kampung KB aims to reduce the rate of population growth and also implement the development starting from the family so as to produce a small family which has quality. This research was conducted to find out how the process of dissemination of Kampung KB innovation by the Office of PP and KB Surakarta and the PLKB in Jebres Sub District which is held in the Village of Pucangsawit with Approach Diffusion Innovation TheoryThe Diffusion of Innovation Theory explains the existence of a process of disseminating an information or new things from one source to the recipients in a social system and proceeding very conceptually. In this study, researcher want to see the process of dissemination of Kampung KB innovation that finally adopted by citizens in the Pucangsawit village so that it can make changes. This research uses descriptive qualitative method that aims to explain the phenomenon factually through data collection in depth. Sources of data in this study used primary and secondary data. Data collection techniques used non-participant observation, in-depth interviews and documentation while the sampling technique used Snowball Sampling. Furthermore, for the data is valid then the researcher used data triangulation and to present the data, the researcher used interactive model. The results of research related to the dissemination process of Kampung KB innovation conducted in Pucangsawit Village, Jebres Sub-district, Surakarta City with innovation diffusion theory is that the socialization of Kampung KB uses interpersonal communication channel and mass communication

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