
Integrasi Bahasa Inggris ke Bahasa Indonesia Berbasis Media Komunikasi Elektronik Komputer.


This study has two purposes. (1) Describe the design of the development model of English integration theory into Indonesian based on electronic computer communication media. (2) To describe factors causing the integration of English into Indonesian based on electronic computer communication media. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The data in this research is a word that contains the integration of English into Indonesian based electronic communication media computer. Data collection techniques in this study is the method refer and the method of record. The method of referring to the use of language in the computer electronic communication media to identify data about the integration of English into Indonesian language. Record technique used by researchers to record data in the form of words that contain integration of English into Indonesian language based on computer communication media. The results of this study indicate that the design of the development model of English integration theory into Indonesian based electronic computer communication media is grouped into two processes. (1) direct translation and (2) interpretation of concepts. Factors causing the integration of English into Indonesian-based electronic computer communication media is due to (1) the speaker's bilingualism and (2) the development of Science and Technology. Keywords: integration, electronic computer communication media

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