Anfore fenicie e puniche con contenuti alimentari dai rinvenimenti di Michel Cassien a Nora


The Touring Club de France directed by Michel Cassien effected six extensive campaigns of underwater exploration and recovery between 1978 and 1984, in the waters around the Nora peninsula, Pula (ca); the complete edition and re-examination of the investigations, however, only took place recently. Amongst the large amount of recovered material, mainly transport containers and ceramic tableware, in an extraordinary state of preservation, we intend, in this paper, to deal with a particularly interesting class, namely that of the Phoenician and Punic amphorae used for the transport and storage of foodstuffs. Thanks to an integrated study of the reports and maps edited by Cassien, it has been possible to reliably reconstruct the positions of the recovered amphorae. The repositioning of the finds on a new map, together with an initial chrono-typological analysis of them, presents an extremely interesting context, which is fundamental for a better understanding of the trade flows that affected Nora between the early Phoenician and the late Punic periods

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