
Semantic Component Retrieval in Software Engineering


In the early days of programming the concept of subroutines, and through this software reuse, was invented to spare limited hardware resources. Since then software systems have become increasingly complex and developing them would not have been possible without reusable software elements such as standard libraries and frameworks. Furthermore, other approaches commonly subsumed under the umbrella of software reuse such as product lines and design patterns have become very successful in recent years. However, there are still no software component markets available that would make buying software components as simple as buying parts in a do-it-yourself hardware store and millions of software fragments are still lying un(re)used in configuration management repositories all over the world. The literature primarily blames this on the immense effort required so far to set up and maintain searchable component repositories and the weak mechanisms available for retrieving components from them, resulting in a severe usability problem. In order to address these issues within this thesis, we developed a proactive component reuse recommendation system, naturally integrated into test-first development approaches, which is able to propose semantically appropriate, reusable components according to the specification a developer is just working on. We have implemented an appropriate system as a plugin for the well-known Eclipse IDE and demonstrated its usefulness by carrying out a case study from a popular agile development book. Furthermore, we present a precision analysis for our approach and examples of how components can be retrieved based on a simplified semantics description in terms of standard test cases

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