Estimated dietary fiber intake by children according to different food composition reference tables.


The importance of dietary fiber intake in the prevention and treatment of adult diseases has been widely emphasized in the literature for several years. Recommendations for fiber intake by children have only recently began to be published. The present study estimated the fiber intake by children with or without constipation according to five food composition tables. We studied 114 children under 12 years of age, of whom 56 were constipated and 58 had normal bowel movements. We used a 24 hour recall questionnaire and fiber consumption was analysed by five food composition tables: 1. Association of Official Agricultural Chemist- AOAC, 2. Southgate, 3. Mendez, 4. Englyst and 5. crude fiber. The statistical analysis showed significant differences between the medians of the estimated fiber consumption calculated using all tables, except the AOAC and Southgate tables. The median value and percentis 25th and 75 th presented between parenthesis were (grams/day): Mendez - 15,4(11,9-19,6); Southgate -10,5(7,8-13,5); AOAC - 10,2(7,3-14,0); Englyst - 4,5 (3,0-6,0) and crude fiber - 2,1 (1,4-2,9). There were statistical significant correlations between all pairs of tables but the best correlation was observed between Mendez and Southgate (r=+0,90), AOAC and Southgate (r=+0,88); and Mendez and AOAC (r=+0,84). Constipated children presented lower estimated fiber intake than those with normal bowel movements, with statistical significance according to all tables. In conclusion, it is important to determine which reference table should be utilized when recommending dietary fiber.Univ Fed Sao Paulo, Escola Paulista Med, Dept Pediat, Disciplina Nutr & Metab Infantil, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Escola Paulista Med, Dept Pediat, Disciplina Nutr & Metab Infantil, Sao Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

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