
Composite materials based on e-glass woven textile structures as reinforcement


Textile composites are materials composed of two basic elements, one which is called a matrix or basic material, which is a continuous phase and the other element or component i.e. reinforcement (textile preforms), often referred as dispersed phase. Textile preforms are diff erent textile structures made by using traditional textile processes such as weaving, knitting, braiding, stitching, etc. Textile preforms not only play a key role in the transformation of fi ber properties into complex composite performance, but also aff ect the easy or diffi cult infi ltration of matrix and consolidation. In this paper three diff erent types of two dimensional E-glass woven structures as reinforcement for composite materials are discussed. The tensile strength and elongation of E-glass fabrics in the longitudinal and transverse directions was experimentally determined according to the standard ASTM D 5035. Characterization of the structure of woven textile materials i.e. the way of interlacing of warp and weft with binocular microscope was also made. The structural characteristics of the fabrics have a major infl uence on the physical and mechanical properties of the fabrics and their performance in the fi nal composite. They are usually determined by the yarns from which they are made, as well from the process parameters of the weaving machines. Key words: composite, E- glass woven textile structure, plain weave, twill weave, basket weave, tensile strengt

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