Correlazione tra architettura deposizionale 3D ed evoluzione morfodinamica di meandri tidali: un esempio dal sottosuolo della Laguna di Venezia (Italia)


Depositional products of fluvial meandering channels are largely investigated, because of their widespread distribution in densely populated alluvial and coastal plains and their sedimentological characteristics as hydrocarbon or water reservoirs. Although their importance in the exchanges with open marine water bodies, meandering tidal channels are relatively unexplored, and their sedimentological features are commonly investigated on the basis of facies models built up for their fluvial counterparts. The Venice Lagoon represents an excellent environment where it’s possible to deepen our knowledge on morphodynamics of meandering tidal channels. Through integration between high-resolution geophysical and core data collected in the northern part of the Venice Lagoon, this thesis focused on a detailed reconstruction of a meandering tidal paleochannel, and aims to depict its morphodynamic evolution. This work allowed to build up a high-resolution architectural 3D model, and to analyse the depositional geometries of three main tidal point bars. Only one of these three bars is entirely visible. This bar is characterized by a peculiar planform evolution, with a dramatically increase in the radius of curvature starting from an initial cuspate geometry. Additionally, the study of some minor channels (e.g. chute channels) allowed to depict stratal geometries arising from the interaction between rates of lateral migration and vertical accretion. This work allowed to understand distinctive features of tidal meanders, which can be used to detect the tidal origin of laterally accreting deposits in the fossil recor

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