
Organisational factors by sector


The WaterWatt project is an ambitious project aiming to help companies achieve greater energy efficiency in their industrial water circuits (IWC). From the outset, the WaterWatt project identified (i) low awareness of energy saving potential of industrial water circuits and (ii) uncertainty about positive economic effects as two important barriers to more investment to improve the energy efficiency of water circuits. The principal route to overcome this twin barrier is to develop an interactive online selfassessment tool, the Energy Efficiency Evaluation or E3 Platform. The two main capabilities of the planned E3 Platform are carefully designed to remove the investment barriers. On the one hand, the E3 Platform will allow industrial users to identify and calculate the unrealised energy saving potential of their water circuits. On the other hand, the E3 Platform will also be able to assist companies in working out the cost-effectiveness of any investment into water circuits, thereby indicating whether an investment in energy efficiency has positive or negative cost implications. To develop a useful and usable online tool, the WaterWatt project has relied on both technical and sociological research to gain a deep understanding of industrial water circuits in a variety of sectors and countries. This report summarises the findings of the sociological research on human and organisational challenges that companies wanting to increase the energy efficiency in their industrial water circuits face. The report identifies a range of organisational and contextual factors based on the case studies conducted at different plants and branches (see Deliverable report D3.2 and others for details): - A steelwork in Germany in June 2016 - A steel plant and a non-ferrous metal plant in Norway in October 2016 - A paper & cardboard and a sugar plant in Portugal in November 201

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