
Study of biological characteristics of jack knife clam Solen dactylus (Coscl, 1989) in Bandar Abbas coast


In this study, 945 Specimens of bivalve Solen dactylus were biometrically assessed from April 2007 to March 2008 in two transects of Golshahr coast in Bandar Abbas, Persian Gulf. Physical and chemical factors of water like temperature, pH, salinity, dissolved oxygen, coast's sediment, diversity and abundance of phytoplankton were studied monthly during the clam sampling. The mean clam length and total weight were 67.5 plus or minus 17.13mm and 6.3 plus or minus 4.04g, respectively. The relationship between clam length-width, total weight-dry weight and clam length-dry weight were significant (r^(2) = 0.91, r^(2) = 0.83 and r^(2) = 0.86, P0.05). The maximum value of Gonadosomatic Index (GSI) in the first and second transect were 11% and 16%, respectively in January (reproductive cycle). The minimum value of GSI in both transects was zero from April to September. Gonado Condition Index (GCI) was synchronous with the GSI during the year of study. GSI and GCI showed a negative relationship with temperature and a positive relationship with dissolved oxygen

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