
Site selection for coldwater fish culture using GIS in Golestan province of Iran


In an attempt to provide a scientific basis and to discern data gaps for sustainable aquaculture expansion, we conducted a land evaluation and land use planning study to delineate areas suitable for coldwater fish culture complexes in the Golestan Province of Iran. The study was based on systematic land evaluation, a modified version of the McHarg cartographic method drawing upon ecological, social and economic factors. The minimum mapped area was 1.25t1.25Km and the Province was classified into suitable, medium, poor and unsuitable units. Elevation, slope, aspect, hydrography, temperature, evaporation, lithology, pedology, landuse, proximity to roads, protected areas and water resources were the factors included in the study. We successfully applied the method to the Province that resulted in distinguishing areas suitable for coldwater fish culture. Of the factors included in the study, proximity to roads was found to play important role in allocating an area to the activity. Also, slope, elevation, water temperature and evaporation were the other factors that helped in discerning the areas. We found that some parts of the province are amenable to the expansion of the aquaculture activities. Of the surface area of the Province, around 53 kilometers were found to be suitable for the culture. Also, 54 kilometers were moderately suitable and 68 kilometers were poorly suitable for the activity

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