
Modelo de gestión humana por competencias para STORK Technical Services


87 páginas : ilustraciones, gráficosEl presente documento propone la implementación de un modelo de gestión humana por competencias que se adapte a las particularidades de STORK Technical Services, requiriendo satisfacer las necesidades de la casa matriz como las del país donde se radica (Colombia). Para ello debe desarrollar un modelo de gestión por competencias que le permita destacarse en la atracción y retención del mejor talento humano del sector. Durante los treinta años que lleva STORK en Colombia, el área de gestión humana en particular, ha ido desarrollando procesos que respondan a la necesidad del negocio; evidenciando crear un modelo de gestión por competencias que logre potencializar dichas competencias en los empleados y que responda al crecimiento y al retorno de la inversión que espera la casa matriz. El modelo va a permitir seleccionar, evaluar, atraer y tener un desempeño sobresaliente en las personas de la organización. Al elaborar un modelo de gestión por competencias, el perfil que se describa permitirá ser más preciso en los procesos de Gestión Humana y mejorar la comunicación y la formación, estableciendo un lenguaje común para el desarrollo profesional y enfocando a las personas en las características cruciales que conduce al éxito en el trabajo.This paper proposes the implementation of a human management model b competences that is adapted to the particularities of STORK Technical Services, requiring to satisfy the needs of the parent company such as those of the country where it is located (Colombia). To do this, it must develop a model of management by competencies that allows it to stand out in attracting and retaining the best human talent in the sector. During the thirty years of STORK in Colombia, the human management area has been developing processes that respond to the need of the business; evidencing the creation of a model of management by competencies that manages to increase these skills in the employees and that responds to the growth and the return of the investment that the corporate expects. The model will allow to select, evaluate, attract and have an outstanding performance in the people of the organization. In developing a competency-based management model, the profile described will allow for more precise human-management processes and improve communication and training, establishing a common language for professional development, and focusing people on the crucial characteristics that lead to success at work.This paper proposes the implementation of a human management model b competences that is adapted to the particularities of STORK Technical Services, requiring to satisfy the needs of the parent company such as those of the country where it is located (Colombia). To do this, it must develop a model of management by competencies that allows it to stand out in attracting and retaining the best human talent in the sector. During the thirty years of STORK in Colombia, the human management area has been developing processes that respond to the need of the business; evidencing the creation of a model of management by competencies that manages to increase these skills in the employees and that responds to the growth and the return of the investment that the corporate expects. The model will allow to select, evaluate, attract and have an outstanding performance in the people of the organization. In developing a competency-based management model, the profile described will allow for more precise human-management processes and improve communication and training, establishing a common language for professional development, and focusing people on the crucial characteristics that lead to success at work.Magíster en Gestión Humana y Desarrollo OrganizacionalMaestrí

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