
Peranan Jaksa Dalam Peningkatan Kesadaran Hukum Masyarakat Melalui Program Jaksa Masuk Sekolah (JMS) (Studi Kasus Di Kejaksaan Negeri Surakarta, SMA Negeri 7 Surakarta, Dan SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Surakarta)


Kejaksaan of the Republic of Indonesia is one of the law enforcement agency that has responsibility for the mission in the continuing development of the nation and the State, one of which embodies the legal order and peace in the society. Kejaksaan's duties and authority in the field of public order and peace of one of them by organizing legal awareness raising activities as set out in Article 30 paragraph (3) a of Law Number 16 Year 2004 on Kejaksaan of the Republic of Indonesia. The problem in this research is how the regulation and implementation of programs Jaksa Masuk Sekolah (JMS) in improving the legal awareness for school children. Goals to be achieved is to describe and explain the regulations used in the JMS program as well as to describe and analyze the implementation of the JMS program that has been done by Kejaksaan. The method used is empirical juridical approach with descriptive research type, type of primary data through interviews and questionnaires and secondary literature study. In conclusion makers using descriptive analysis. The results those that there is synchronization between the regulation and application. Kejaksaan of the Republic of Indonesia has been carrying out its role in accordance with the Act but in the implementation of the school appointed by the Kejaksaan of the Republic of Indonesia not in accordance with the activities of the Kejaksaan’s office that has been regulated in the law

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