
Pengembangan Sekolah Oleh Kepala Sekolah Di SD Muhammadiyah Pangkalpinang Menuju Indonesia Emas 2045


This study to purpose : 1) Describe what is known by the principal about Indonesia generation of Emas 2045. 2) Describe the development program Muhammadiyah of Pangkalpinang primary school towards Indonesia generation of Emas This type of research is qualitative research with a case study strategy research design Data collection techniques use source triangulation with documentation as an amplifier to valid data. The informant of this research is the principal and also some teachers who are in Muhammadiyah of Pangkalpinang primary School The results of this study are: 1) Principal is enough to know will Indonesia Emas 2045, this is evident with the planned work programs. The development program is in line with the vision of the school mission and also related to the essence of Indonesia Emas 2045. 2) School development program by the principal of SD Muhamadiyah Pangkalpinang to Indonesia Emas 2045 focuses on three aspects, namely Infrastructure, teacher quality, and also curriculum 3) The implementation of school development has been very good, but there are still some programs that have not been done. Obstacles that hinder the financial aspect, can not be denied because SD Muhammadiyah Pangkalpinang apply the withdrawal of payment contribution of education coaching (SPP) in accordance with different economic basis

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