Social accountability and poverty reduction in Tanzania: a case of selected local government authorities


Journal of Public Sector Management, 2013; 2 (2): 1-45Accountability as a concept as per the Tanzania's central and Local Governments Authorities (LGA's) literally means the LGAs measure of compliance to government set guidelines and rules for financial, administrative and policy implementation as opposed to the public demand for accessibility to information, priority setting, peoples participation, public services and decision making. The practical evidence of failing development projects and programmes, deepening poverty, socio-economic inequalities and gender injustices present strong challenges, especially for initiatives under 'traditional' government approaches, resulting in demands for the rethinking of development. The current study mainly aimed at determining whether LGA's were socially accountable to their residents' thus contributing topoverty reduction. Specifically, the study aimed at assessing the LGA's budgetary allocation and utilization to the sectors of agriculture, health, education and infrastructure, which are important areas for poverty reduction. In collaboration with localpeople and their organizations and community groups, CSOs have been able to collect and analyze Council information deducting inefficiencies, lack of capacities, financial mismanagement; fund misuse, underutilization and under expenditures mostly on the development budget. These are some of the key indicators of lack of social accountability of the councils to the people they are supposed to serve. On the other hand, some Councils have indicated their willingness to account to localpeoples' concerns while addressing shortfalls and lack of capacity to implement what is expected of their dues

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