
Discharge Support Initiatives and Self-evaluation by Ward Nurses in District A


A県A圏域の病院看護師の退院支援への取組みの現状や自己評価,退院支援に関する病棟看護師の役割認識等を調査し退院支援の実態を明らかにすることを目的に,A圏域の総合病院4か所の病棟看護師400名を対象に質問紙調査を実施した(有効回答299名,有効回答率74.8%).退院支援病棟評価では13項目中10項目において,70% 以上が「いつもできている」または「ときどきできている」と回答し,退院支援自己評価の尺度全体の得点± SD は20点満点中13.90±2.44と共に概ね高評価であったが,院内外他職種との連携,役割分担等に課題があることが推察された.また病棟看護師の役割として,患者・家族の意思決定支援を重要視している一方,療養環境や社会資源の調整まで病棟で完結しようとする認識が窺えた.今後,他職種との関わりやカンファレンスの持ち方,他職種との役割分担を再確認し,病棟における退院支援のあり方を整理する必要があると考える.This study aims to elucidate the state of discharge support by investigating initiatives for discharge support by hospital nurses, their self-evaluation, and their role awareness regarding discharge support in District A, Prefecture A. We conducted a questionnaire survey on 400 ward nurses at four general hospitals in District A. Of 299 respondents (valid response rate: 74.8%), by 10 item in 13 items of the discharge support ward evaluation, "It\u27s always done" or "It’s sometimes done" was answered more than 70 % , and the total score ± SD for discharge support self-evaluation was 13.32 ± 2.33, respectively, suggesting generally high scores for both. However, issues associated with items such as coordination with other professionals inside and outside of the hospital, and role allocation were noted. Although several subjects gave the highest priority to patient and family decision-making support in their role as a ward nurse, they most likely felt that they had to complete everything up to the recuperative environment and social resource adjustment at the ward. Furthermore, it appears imperative to reconfirm involvement and conferences with other professionals, the acquisition of assessment and communication methods for decision-making, and role allocation with other professionals to determine how to implement discharge support at wards

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