
Dispersion Modeling of Mercury Emissions from Coal-Fired Power Plants at Coshocton and Manchester, Ohio


Author Institution: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of CincinnatiMercury emissions from coal-fired power plants are estimated to contribute to approximately 46% of the total U. S. anthropogenic mercury emissions and required to be regulated by maximum achievable control technology (MACT) standards. Dispersion modeling of mercury emissions using the AERMOD model and the Industrial Source Complex Short Term (ISCST3) model was conducted for two representative coal-fired power plants at Coshocton and Manchester, Ohio. Atmospheric mercury concentrations, dry mercury deposition rates, and wet mercury deposition rates were predicted in a 5 × 5 km area surrounding the Conesville and JM Stuart coal-fired power plants. In addition, the analysis results of meteorological parameters showed that wet mercury deposition is dependent on precipitation, but dry mercury deposition is influenced by various meteorological factors

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