


ABSTRACT DONI SETYAWAN. Influence Between Investment Credit and Export To Jakarta Economic Growth : Economics Educational Studies Program. Concentration of Economic and Cooperative Education. Department of Economics and Administration. Faculty of Economics. State University of Jakarta. 2013. This study aims to gain knowledge based on data and facts are eloquent, true and trustworthy. The research was conducted over 10 months from June 2012 to April 2013. This research is using exposure facto approach to regression analysis. The sample in this research is Jakarta quarterly secondary data period of 2001 to 2010. Y variable data is Economic Growth, X1 Investments Credit Growth which is obtained from the Licensing Division of Banking Information of Bank Indonesia (DPIP BI) and X2 Export Growth that obtained from Jakarta Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS). Test requirements are used, for the regression equation in order to obtain the equation Y= 1,33+0,0064 X1 +0,0018X2 . The autocorrelation test results is 1.77, the probability of Obs* R Squared for white test 0.98 (greater than 5%), multicollinearity test to see Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) of less than 10, and the probability of normality test of Jarque Berra 0.917 (more than 5%). These suggests that the classical assumptions of the requirements are fulfilled. The results of this study concluded that there are significant relations between Credit Investment and Export on Economic Growth as simultaneously, but not partially. With the calculating results obtained by the coefficient of determination of 0,012. This means that 12% of Jakarta's economy can be explained by that two variables. Keywords: Economic Growth, Investment Credit, Expor

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