The main purpose of Economic Load Dispatch (ELD) is to determine the optimal output of generating units to meet the power demand at lowest possible cost and subjected to the operational constraints. Various ELD optimization methods have been developed in order to deal with the challenges of continuous and sustainable power at optimal cost. The deficiency of fossil fuel reserve and rapid increase of fuel prices to generate electricity has encouraged the use of Renewable Energy (RE). Furthermore, concerns over environmental pollution also become a factor to incorporate the RE and fossil fuel in generating electricity. This project propose the Firefly Algorithm (FA) to solve Economic and Emission Load Dispatch (EELD) problems that consists of photovoltaic systems. The FA algorithm is used to determine the optimal cost and emission levels of power generation. The test case considered in this project is Static Combined Economic and Emission Dispatch (SCEED) that been simulated for each hour. The test system with 6 units of thermal generator and 13 units of PV generator are used to optimize SCEED problem by using FA. The Weight Sum Method (WSM) approach is used to determine the best compromise solution among the cost and emission. It found that FA can provide the fast convergence in finding the global minima value. It can be concluded that FA can solve the problem of economic and emission dispatch accurately