
One Health International Outreach (OHIO)


IMPACT. 1: Create awareness of the need for strong outreach to address global issues, such as fewer children dying of rabies or women getting screened and treated for cervical cancer. -- 2. Identify potential partners to strengthen and sustain outreach efforts, which can lead to: service-learning opportunities for OSU students; clinical training opportunities for OSU faculty and students with patients whose cases are more complex than those experienced here; research collaborations that could result in evidence-based care strategies, such as traditional herbs in patient care, safer water supplies, and better air quality; solutions for health challenges that can be scaled up to other countries; and improved health communication that leads to behavior change and healthier, happier, more productive lives.OSU PARTNERS: College of Dentistry; College of Engineering; College of Medicine; College of Nursing; College of Optometry; College of Pharmacy; College of Public Health; College of Social Work; College of Veterinary Medicine; Fisher College of Business; Office of International Affairs; School of Communications; School of Environment and Natural ResourcesCOMMUNITY PARTNERS: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Ethiopian Public Health Institute; University of Gondar; Addis Ababa UniversityPRIMARY CONTACT: Wondwossen Gebreyes ([email protected])Our planet constantly faces major, complex health challenges, and it is essential to train future professionals to be able to effectively address these issues. One Health is a model system that addresses issues at the interface of health, agriculture and ecosystem. It also allows the establishment of mutually beneficial working systems across disciplines for effective control of global health issues. We will use rabies and cancer outreach partnerships in Ethiopia as model systems

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