
Center for Clinical and Translational Science (CCTS) Community Engagement Program


IMPACT. 1: We have over 40 Community Partners from 18 counties in Central and Southeastern Ohio including representatives from churches, schools, nursing homes, philanthropy groups, OSU extension offices, county health departments and civic groups. -- 2. We provided funding, outreach and consultation services to 163 investigators and 160 community partners in 2015, including consultation with our three standing Community Engagement Advisory and Faculty Advisory Boards comprised of 66 faculty and community stakeholders in total. -- 3. Examples of our activities include community-based train the trainer workshops for county health departments on research ethics, focus groups and community-based participatory research (CBPR) and cosponsorship of community conferences between infectious disease investigators, public health departments and farm workers.OSU PARTNERS: Wexner Medical Center; Nationwide Children's Hospital; College of Public Health; College of Nursing; College of Pharmacy; College of Medicine; College of Veterinary MedicineCOMMUNITY PARTNERS: Adams Street Group; Bhutanese Nepali Community of Columbus; Cambodian Mutual Assistance Association; Center for Appalachian Philanthropy; Center for Somali Women's Advancement; Central Ohio Area Agency on Aging; Central Ohio Diabetes Association; Clay High School; Community Health, Life skills, Opportunities, and Education (CHLOE); Compass Community Health; Fayette County Memorial Hospital; Gallia County Health Department; In My Backyard Health and Wellness; Jackson County Health Department; Licking County Health Department; Meigs County Health Department; Morrow County Health Department; Multiple Myeloma Opportunities for Research and Education (MMORE); National Church Residences; National Parkinson Foundation, Ohio Chapter; The Neighborhood House, Inc.; Ohio Asian American Health Coalition; Ohio Hispanic Coalition; OSU Extension, Pike and Scioto Counties; Partners Achieving Community Transformation (PACT), OSU Hospital East; Pike County Health Department; Pleasant Hill Manor; Scioto County Health Department; Southern Ohio Medical Center; Southview Elementary School; Southwest Community Church; West Portsmouth High SchoolPRIMARY CONTACT: Amanda Kennedy ([email protected])The mission of the Community Engagement Program at CCTS is to improve the health of communities through research/outreach collaborations with community agencies and members, especially in areas where health disparities are pronounced. The group acts as a liaison between researchers and the community, offering consultations on effective research strategies and providing funding opportunities to launch partnership-based projects

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