Ohio State University. Mershon Center for International Security Studies
In his talk, Hechter suggests that alien rule can become legitimate to the extent that it provides governance that is both effective and fair. Governance is effective to the degree that citizens have access to an expanding economy and an ample supply of culturally appropriate collective goods. Governance is fair to the degree that rulers act according to the strictures of procedural justice. These twin conditions help account for the legitimization of alien rulers in organizations of markedly different scales. These principles to the legitimization of alien rulers in states (the Republic of Genoa, 19th and 20th century China, and modern Iraq), colonies (Taiwan and Korea under Japanese rule), and occupation regimes, as well as in less encompassing organizations such as universities (academic receivership), corporations (mergers and acquisitions), and stepfamilies. Finally, Hechter will speculate about the possibility of an international market in governance services.Ohio State UniversityMershon Center for International Security Studiesevent web page, event photo