
Interview of Jeff Schwartz by Bill Shkurti


Aptheker, Herbert: Marxist historian, political activist (pp. 7, 9, 13-17, 20, 22) -- Brauner, Charles: Professor, College of Education (p. 6) -- Bricker, John: U.S. Senator, member of the OSU Board of Trustees (pp. 10,17) -- Darling, Stan: President, Undergraduate Student Government (pp. 7, 26) -- Fawcett, Novice: President, OSU (pp. 6-7, 10, 17-18, 20) -- Knepley, Dennis: Co-founder of the Free Speech Front (pp.6-7) -- Lenzo, Bob: Co-founder of the Free Speech Front (pp.6-7) -- Loop, Alan: Chairman of the Board of Trustees (pp. 21-22) -- Ochs, Phil: OSU alumnus, folk singer (pp. 9-10) -- Rhodes, James: Governor of Ohio (pp. 20-21) -- Schwartz, Niki: Politically active OSU student and Jeff Schwartz’ brother (pp. 2-3, 5-6, 26) -- Shocknessy, James: Member of the OSU Board of Trustees (pp. 21).Interview conducted at The Ohio State University Archives, Columbus, Ohio.The interview discusses OSU alumnus Jeff Schwartz's work on campus with the free-speech movement in the mid-1960s, particularly 1965. As an undergraduate, he became involved with the OSU student group, the Free Speech Front (FSF), because of his earlier involvement in the civil rights movement in Louisiana. He was a participant and important contributor to the Free Speech Front's goal of eradicating the University's restriction on campus speakers, known as the Speakers Rule. One strategy was for Schwartz and others in the FSF to participate in two sit-ins in the Administration Building to influence University officials to change the rule. A later strategy was to invite noted Marxist historian Herbert Aptheker to campus to not speak, but instead have students read his work as he stood by. Several months after that event in 1965, the OSU Board of Trustees effectively abolished the rule. Schwartz also discusses how his involvement in the free-speech movement influenced his later career as a lawyer and organizational-effectiveness coach and consultant

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