
Retrosigmoid Approach to the Cerebellopontine Angle Tumors - A Single Center Experience with a Systematic Review of Literature


Aim: To study special features of applying the retrosigmoidsuboccipital approach (RSSA) in surgery for cerebellopontineangle (CPA) tumors, the possibilities for expanding the approach,complications and ways of their prevention.Method: The prospective analysis of the RSSA application in 112patients with CPA tumors, who were examined and treated in Mechnikov Hospital from 2010 to 2016 inclusive, has been made. All patients were operated on by the author of the study. TPC tumorswere removed using the retrosigmoid approach with the followingequipment: microscopes, electrotrepans, ultrasonic dissectoraspirator, high-frequency coagulation with bipolar coagulationtweezers, and intraoperative neuromonitoring system.Results: By applying the RSSA, we removed 67 vestibularschwannomas (VS), 4 non-vestibular schwannomas (3 schwannomasof caudal group of CNs and 1 schwannoma of trigeminal nerve), 30 CPA meningiomas, 7 epidermoid tumors, 1 hemangioblastoma, 1 chondroblastoma, 1 choroid papilloma, 1 cancer mts. Ownexperience and literature analysis allow to make the conclusionsabout advantages and disadvantages of RSSA application. Conclusion: RSSA is a safe and relatively simple technique with avery low percentage of complications. RSSA provides an excellentpanoramic examination of the entire CPA and a wide opening ofthe tumor regardless of its type and size. At all stages dissection isperformed under a direct visual control, in such a case the locationof the cranial nerves can be determined at an early stage, thusincreasing the chances of preserving the nerves and allowing radicalremoval of the tumor

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